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Saturday, 27 November 2010

Large courtyard leads the door edifice to the courtyard of a large open if a length of 46 meters by 42 m and was home stacked stone is still a large part of the effects of that stays in place and decorated with three of its aspects galleries from 32 Asitona with capitals variety of styles, including what is in the form of palm trees or a flower open and columns the same fees recessed represent the King, who did not mention his name presents offerings to the deities of local and on the walls behind the colonnades series of drawings in the three groups, where the king appears, in exercise of rituals of different religious and in the right side of the entrance (the back wall of said) we see the king out of his palace to Absa crown of Upper Egypt and white in front of a priest burns incense in front of the media four of Upper Egypt flutter and the Thoth and Horus cleared and headed gods that spreads out, and Ajt crown Almzdug receives the scepter of Horus in the presence of Atom and Sashat and Maatt and finally standing in front of Horus, god of Edfu and Hathor, the God of Dandara and find the bottom of the corresponding series of views the other represents the celebration of the journey the Nile to the south of Hathor Lady of Dendera meet her husband Horus of Edfu, and on the other side of the entrance scenes similar is that the king wearing the red crown of Lower Egypt colonnade (Hall of the major pillars) and are now entering the hall of the major pillars that the 18-column matrix in three rows of each row of which comprises three pillars on both sides of the aisle East did not keep jewelry any color, so it despite the integrity, but he would not Nsttie to see this hall as saw her Mcedoha the most beautiful WILLIAMS hall diversity and beauty of column capitals and is located on the right and left of the entrance for this room Hiklan Sgrian terms of structure located on the north is a room where the consecration was maintained Balzhriaat silver Lama Temple second one is for library books or large room for the rolls of papyrus in God Horus and Horakhty.