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Tuesday, 14 December 2010

advantage of medical tourism in Egypt

gypt has 16 locations domestically and coastline where there is natural cures for many diseases, especially rheumatic diseases and vitiligo, psoriasis and most famous of these areas of Helwan, famous as the city of healing the sacred and the Valley Mariot and Wadi El-Natron and Oasis semen Western Sahara and the Oasis of Amun, Ain Sokhna and bathrooms Cleopatra in the Red Sea and others. And estimated the number of eyes
Distributed in most parts of Egypt with 1356 eyes, including five in the eyes of Helwan and 3 in the eye of the stall and 36 in Fayoum, and 4 in Wadi Rayyan and 33 in the Sinai Peninsula and 315 in the oasis of marine and 106 in Siwa, in addition to the huge number estimated at Box 564 in the oases of Dakhla and 188 in the post and 75 in Farafra and the rest spread in the Gulf of Suez and the dropper and Wadi El-Natron and neighbor