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Wednesday, 8 December 2010

Library and National Archives

The idea for this house back to the Minister of Education Ali Pasha Mubarak (it was called the warden of knowledge) and that in the era of Khedive Ismail in 1870, has been replaced, and change the building to the existing building in the following image in 1960In order to: compilation of precious manuscripts, which remanded the sultans and princes, scholars and authors on mosques, shrines and institutes of scienceAnd was then called: Ketboukhanp (composed of two parts: Books box)Contain this house now on what Lloyd 57 A rare manuscript from all over the world, in addition to 3 of thousands of papyrus paper dating back to 78 m, and contains a collection of Dar-Arabic coins back to the oldest year 77 AHThis image Library and National Archives