Montazah palace and gardens:
Palace Park is one of the royal palaces in Egypt. Built by Khedive Abbas Helmi II in 1892. City of Alexandria.Located inside the palace gardens know his name, "Garden Park".For any reason you are visiting to Alexandria, it would not be complete without visiting the palace park and picturesque gardens, which are symbols of a rare beauty in the world. Built the palace of Muhammad Ali Pasha to be the summer home for his family to spend the hot summer months, and called the «Palace Park» and even sit on the throne of King Farouk Egypt under the palace headquarters of the park resorts of the royal family .. Lies magnificence of the palace in a unique location on the shore of Alexandria was built on a high plateau surrounding gardens and forests on an area of 370 acres, also gathered architecture between the models of France and the Ottoman Islamic, including parks basins of flowers, plants, trees, playgrounds and a children's park and the scene of summer and a center of mathematics Navy. And monuments remaining in the palace park clock tower and the famous stall tea, which was built on the Roman style, overlooking the Mediterranean coast of dealing with the king and his entourage «Tea commented on» and discuss matters of governance, in addition to cinema princesses adjacent to the king's palace, which is about a garden walled and the wall large equipped to view the films of world cinema to entertain the princesses.«Harem» and «Salamlek» <follows Palace Park Qsran two Icbhanh in the model, architecture, rare first Palace «Harem» where he was staying Harem King and women footnote of the royal family and turned the first floor when the casino world and the second and third floors into a luxury hotel. This palace was built in a large garden in a unique format to oversee one of the most important rivers of Alexandria Bay, a park and includes the palace garden, overlooking a dense forest on the shore of the Mediterranean Sea.The Palace «Salamlek» was built for the residence of the courtiers of King, who has now turned into a luxury tourist hotel residence of the vacationers and a high degree of luxury. Parks and beaches <located these gardens within the walls of Montazah Palace in the east of the city of Alexandria and stretching area on about 370 acres and contain a lot of trees and forests and flowers rare, dating to the nineteenth century and was intended to entertain the king and his wives and his entourage and walk princesses. Takes these shores gardens palace extends along the space allotted to him, and private beaches are not allowed to non-participants to sit, and this area includes many of the bays and natural beaches and the number of these beaches, five, namely, (Aida Cleopatra, Semiramis Venice Beach Palestine Hotel private and the center of Diving ).Hotel Park <include gardens park a number of leading hotels include: Hotel «Helnan Palestine» Hotel is an international tourism with a private beach on the Mediterranean coast was built specially in 1964 to host the Arab summit meeting in the same year, a five-star hotel has a area for water games and a swimming pool and private parking, health club, restaurants and wedding halls and rooms vary between single and double and deluxe suites.Hotel Salamlek was originally built as the palace of the establishment of the men of the king then turned into a five-star hotel because it Fajampoothat Regal, and consoles carry memories of the royal family past and antiques and chandeliers luxury, and the wings of ownership worthy Bnzlaih of the first degree, and has a private beach and a business center and rooms of meetings and a car park and a big garden and shops for shopping and bazaars, as well as rooms vary between single and double suites, which vary in their prices.