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Wednesday, 8 December 2010


One of the three oldest parks in the world, was established in 1890, is located in Giza .. Near the University of Cairo, almost, a very large garden area of 80 acres!! And by 1200 of the various animals and birds, supervised by 100 Dr. veterinarian and more than 1000 workersIn this garden is the oldest tortoise in the world, 300-year-old .. As well as by a number of rare animals .. Australian and live like ostriches, crocodiles, Indian indigo large Indian elephant, and a two-humped camelAs you will see the American Eagle at the age of 125 years, and say that this eagle was a gift from the U.S. president for one of the rulers of Egypt 110 years ago, I mean before the opening of the park, and the eagle in his youth days .. He could carry a child and a large distance flight, but now you will see the signs of aging uponIn the center of the garden there are the rest of ownership .. A great break when Sadat was meeting with some bossesWhen you enter from any gate to the gates of the park .. You'll find a map of the place .. It is better to buy in order to visit the garden in full and know all the places, the map is sold only half poundsThis image of the entrance to the park: