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Wednesday, 8 December 2010

Al-Azhar and the role of scientific

It was not at its inception, Al-Azhar institute for study or university graduate students in science, but it was a mosque official Fatimid state and a center for religious calling. It is the essence of Sicilian cut off the call to the Abbasid Caliphate and ordered to add the words «Come to the good work» to the ears. When he Caliph Muizz to Cairo, held in Al Azhar, the first prayer for Friday on the seventh of Ramadan in the year 361 AH / 972 were also set up the first episode of teaching in the era of goats also year 365 AH / 975 CE taken up by Chief Justice Abul Hasan Ali ibn al-Nu'man Cyrene and read the book of his father, named « shortcut »in the Shiite jurisprudence. And then rolled rings built-Nu'man Al-Azhar scholars who are from Morocco who Astefthm the Fatimid caliphate to its invitation, the judiciary has assumed the presidency of nearly half a century.Since the early reign of Caliph al-Aziz read the minister Jacob Ben-class people at Al-Azhar (Ramadan in 369 AH / 980 AD) book «message Waziriya» and took a lot to it for the Caliph goats and his son, Aziz, and then became this book a source of opinion at that time. He was the son class combining politics, science, and the boards were not confined to Al-Azhar, but sometimes in his house, he promised some of these boards first episodes in Al-Azhar university. Has been appointed the class group of scholars hold their gatherings at Al-Azhar after Friday prayers, and reached number thirty-seven jurist, arranged them the livelihoods of monthly well-established have a role to live next to Al-Azhar was those first professors official at Al-Azhar, they made the organization of the study which is the nucleus of the University of Al Azhar .With this shift in Al-Azhar has been keen to keep the Fatimid state-Azhar mosque, the official state while the House of Wisdom was established in the reign of al-Hakim to be the headquarters of the councils of science and wisdom.He noted Maqrizi in his plans to the roles of Al-Azhar and Dar al-Hikma, said: «The fact that the House of Wisdom was not repeals the role of Al-Azhar, but was an integral part of this role». It will be recalled that the fifth century AH / tenth atheist witnessed the joint role of Al-Azhar and Dar al-Hikma and the Mosque of Amr in the studies and contributed to the high-Azhar and the role of a multitude in the graduationScientists, led by scholars and narrators. Azhar also saw the wisdom of women councils such as the Council or Zainab Fatima Abbas, known Balbgdadip was a prolific science.Were not sectarian nature of the flower in Fatimid times based on the idea and intolerance. When a dispute between the Sunnis and the Shiites in understanding some of the provisions days of al-Hakim, Caliph issued a statement that said: «Every Muslim religion in hard-working diligence ... Istali not a Muslim, which I think is a Muslim, and objected to his adopted ... ) O ye who believe, you yourself do not harm you if you of the shadow of Guided, your return to God and He will tell us all what you did ((round: 105) ». The still sectarian nature of the Fatimid Al-Azhar the demise of the Fatimid state itself.In the Ayyubid Sultan Salah al-Din ordered to remove the Fatimid ceremonial, and the loss of Al-Azhar special status it had in the Fatimid era. However, his remaining undergraduate character and purpose famous scientists, including Abdul-Latif al-Baghdadi, the doctor took over the teaching of logic and theology, and the statement and medicine. Azhar also saw the intellectual activity of the Mystical like I'm Imposer and Abu Qasim Manfalouty and historian Ibn Khalkan author of the book «A'yaan».And when the power returned to the Mamluks Friday prayers to Al-Azhar after a hiatus of about a hundred years of 567 to 665 AH / 1174 to 1269 and sought the Prince Izz al-Din Oedmr ornaments Deputy Sultan. And arranged as well as a lesson to the readers of Shafi'i jurisprudence of Al-Azhar and recovered a lot of Ooagafh. However what was built Ayyubid and Mamluk mosques and schools remained Azhar attracts scholars and students of science, and praised this traveler Ibn Battuta when he visited Egypt in 726 AH / AD 1318.And increased the importance of Al-Azhar in the Islamic world when the Mongols destroyed much of the scientific centers in the Arab and Islamic countries. Since the beginning of their advance in the seventh century AH / XIII AD in addition to what was destroyed by the Crusaders and took him from the Levant.In the aftermath of the fall of Arab rule in Andalusia, the Spanish destroyed the Arab-Islamic intellectual tradition and burned as they have killed and displaced nearly three million Arab Muslims turned to Al-Azhar institutes Andalusia.Stood at Al-Azhar in the ninth century AH / XV M draw when full of Egypt crowd of the greatest scientists and thinkers, including Hafiz ibn Hajar al-, Abu Abbas Qalqashandi author of the book «Morning TFB» and Taqi al-Din of Al-owner «plans» famous and Shams al-Din Sakhaawi the «bright light». As a delegation to Egypt in this era philosopher and historian Ibn Khaldun was held councils of science at Al-Azhar and studied by top Egyptian scientists and offered them his theory known in the construction and the emergence of countries that appeared in front of it. And came after him to Egypt, the famous Moroccan flag Taqi al-Din al-Fassi.It was the Mamluk sultans Baybars and the Bey and Qansouh Ghouri a significant impact in encouraging scholars and valorization. It was known at Al-Azhar in this era and post-export (sitting in the heart of the Council of Science) and the granting of leaves of science. It is noteworthy that Ibn Khaldun granted a number of these leaves to the scientists of that era.When the Ottomans entered Egypt, and this has lost its position of global economic after the discovery of Cape of Good Hope, began to weaken the stream of civilization, especially the intellectual life. However, the Ottomans looked to Islamic institutions, particularly the Al-Azhar look of respect and reverence Astunbol and brought a number of scientists to benefit from their knowledge and status. And most who have emerged from Al-Azhar: Nur al-Din Ali Beheshti, Shahabuddeen Sunbati, and Abdel-Rahman Manaawi, Imam Shams al-Din al-Safadi Conclave Shafi'i, and Imam Ibrahim Barmawi (A Azhar sheikhs), and Sheikh Hassan Jabarti seriously the second historian Abd al-Rahman Jabarti.The delegation of the Moroccan flag Azhar Shahabuddin Mokri year 1027 AH / 1618 and studied the modern science and a thousand books in Egypt «Neveh good» and «basil flowers». He visited Egypt, Sheikh Abd al-Ghani al-Nabulsi and talked about it in his book «truth and metaphor». The governor of the Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmed Pasha Core a significant impact on the renaissance of mathematical sciences and engineering. He praised the exploits of Al-Azhar Jabarti at this point and mention of a lot of scientists such as the poet and language Hassan Bedouin Hijazi, and the modern world, Ahmed al-Maliki, al-Faqih and Mohammed al-Hanafi, Sheikh Hassan al.In the short time that she spent the French campaign in Egypt (1213 - 1216 AH / 1798 - 1801 AD), and, despite resistance from Al-Azhar to the occupation of France, did not prevent the Al-Azhar scholars of communication scholars Campaign Among those who did so, Sheikh Hassan Al-Attar (Shaykh al-Azhar) who stood many of the benefits of modern scientific, has donated the books of foreign scientific; particularly those related to engineering and natural sciences.When he took Muhammad Ali Egypt in 1220 AH / 1805 tended to take advantage of modern science and modern Egypt has in his time, intellectually and scientifically, and Left-Azhar in the absence of this shift, hitting the recession and the weakness of its influence and prestige, but Muhammad Ali chose a Masters of Al-Azhar, such as Tahtawi and Ibrahim Nabarawy and so on and dispatched in the introduction to the scientific mission to Paris in 1242 / 1826.In the era of Khedive Ismail, The impact of the reform movement has awakened new Jamaludin Afghani [t], who came to Al-Azhar emotions and minds and free thought of the stalemate that ran him and so he returned to his Al-Azhar and its impact.Not before the reign of Al-Azhar Ismail educational certificates awarded to students but leave was granted by the traditional senior scientists for outstanding students, has been dogged by such holders to leave the practice of teaching and advisory. During the reign of Ismail was the first organic law of the flower and explained the foundations that can be gained international certificate has been made in three degrees. This included scientific subjects of law, namely: knowledge assets and doctrine, standardization and interpretation and grammar, meanings and the statement and the magnificent and logic. During the reign of Khedive Abbas II saw Azhar step reform led by Sheikh Mohamed Abdou [t] have included the review in the affairs of teaching and the system of corridors and salaries and degrees, was also added new school subjects is a term that modern ethics, arithmetic, algebra, presentations, and rhyme. And made the materials of Islamic history, language board, construction and engineering principles and evaluate the countries, a favorite in the event of the availability of workers over others.In 1327 / 1911 was issued another law for the organization of the study on a new basis, by which the Council was established Al-Azhar up and headed by Sheikh Al-Azhar, as established senior scientists, and established institutes of new religious in some provincial centers linked Bmsheekp Azhar, and added new material Kaljgravep, mathematics, physics and chemistry.During the reign of King Fuad I, issued in 1348 / 1930 amendments was the identification of the higher education colleges and departments of specialization. Valaeliat are three: the College of Sharia and the Faculty of Theology and Faculty of Arabic Language. The specialty is of two types: one in the type of material and the second in the type of profession. As well as divided the stages of education at Al-Azhar to four: primary and a four-year and secondary schools and a five-year high and a four-year study at a college referred to.Has been teaching in the mosques takes the form of rings: round, students listen to him about their sheikh, Sheikh usually based on one of the columns to either the ground or on a seat developed severe known. The lesson starts with the words the name of Allah the Merciful, then praise God, prayer and peace upon the Messenger of Allah, then decides the lesson. In the end, concludes reading light then appoint a date and place of the next lesson. And often regard the teacher with a particular place which has priority, followed by the novel method of teaching, particularly in modern science. The story depends on the hearing: Donna listener what the teacher with date and appropriate. When spread the use of paper to write the way spelling abounded.Find and read there, depending on the reference and often Matkon in workshops teachers who read what is not of their production. And defects that have become widespread that the students did not exceed the books read them in a lesson, but often they are driven to be summarized in the summaries.Most recently, entered the Al-Azhar modern styles and has become a custom lesson in the halls equipped with seats and a platform and blackboard lesson aids and became a teaching scientific subjects in experimental laboratories. Al-Azhar is not different today for modern universities, with the exception of some episodes that are still held in the mosque and often to teach the Koran and modern science.