Garden Fish
Which is found in a street in Zamalek Aljblaip, so some have called on the name of this garden: Garden AljblaipIn these caverns and corridors of the park where visitors go and put the glass boxes still contain a variety of fish and rare indigo, navy and ornamental fish, which are reflected by the sun through the upper openings, and in dark places highlighted electric in the art scene more beautifulAbdel Halim Hafez lived it .. It can be seen from the balcony of his house like other houses in this placeGarden design fish-like, it is composed of two holes Chbhan slots behind the gills and the concourse area, and on both sides of the slots are Zaanaftan side view corridors behind the parkThe park now has 49 fish aquarium, as the panorama to view the stuffed fish, as a visitor sees an explanation of how the mutation of three-dimensional fish and take a special form to help them permanent living in the water, also contains ponds on the types of turtles that live in swamps and riversAnd you'll find in the front garden contains a large pool of many predatory fish, and species that raise curiosity of visitors fish, pork and sharkOutside the park there are fish corridors between green areas prefer to enjoy their families, and children play the place, also includes a garden of rare trees, Madagascar, Australia and Thailand