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Wednesday, 8 December 2010

Sultan Mosque Ghury - Cairo

. Mosque and Madrasa of Sultan Ghury and dome 909 / 10 AH corresponding to 1503 / 4 م. This mosque is situated offset by the dome when you joined the street Muizz Street, Al-Azhar, and to the side entrance to the dome topped by a book, and is located behind Khanqah and the seat next to her three houses meet all in one destination connected to oversee the Al-Azhar Street.Established by this group of buildings, King Al-Ashraf Qansuh Ghury in the year 909 / 10 AH, corresponding to 1503 / 4 AD - The Ghury originally a Mamluk Ashraf Qaitbay and continued his service to the emancipation and became a turning in several posts that were he called in the days of King Al-Ashraf Jean Tiles .In the year 906 AH 1501 Crown king of Egypt, and continued to his rule in 922 AH, corresponding to 1516 where he was killed in the month of Rajab of the year in the battle of Marj glutinous with the Ottoman Sultan Selim.The most important qualities Ghury his passion for architecture and his love for her has created a lot of religious buildings and charitable was not his interest in architecture is limited to facilities that filed, but has extended to the restoration and repair and renovation of many of the monuments built by his predecessors and he followed him princes Vcedoa a lot of buildings that still remain to now pronounce all architecture and the arts to flourish in his time a great prosperous.The greatest legacy of Ghury facilities are those archaeological group and half now, which is the right of the finest legacy of our state Circassian Mamluk sultans had meant by Ghury careful and deep in the beautification and decoration in order to boast to those established in the era of Qaitbay.Mosque: This mosque three points of the most important destination East, which oversees the street Muizz and Bostha main entrance Bosfielha shops and the opening of the three rows of windows topped by a model written by the line Mamluk Qur'anic verse and name Ghury and titles and prayers to him, and crowned with balconies leafy Halit facets carved ornament in stone, the entrance was a local Ptlapit of white marble and black and covered with a cap of the cornice and beautiful wings encased in ornate brass door.The tip of this destination from the tribal are huge beacon square sector have two sessions consisting of stalactites and variety of the highest end Bahtp square topped with five heads. The president, who leads the door reached by a few degrees to the vestibule floor of the square colored marble flour and ceiling of carved wood decorated with gold and this Aldrickap human walking in his ways lead to the courtyard.He built this mosque on the school system-planned orthogonal It consists of a courtyard surrounded by four iwans two of which are large and are the qibla iwan and iwan contrast to him, and two other lateral Vsgiran, surrounded walls overalls of colored marble finish of the highest style marble written by kufic flourishing Quranic verses and the date of the vacuum -909 AH - and over four decades iwans model written in Mamluk verses from the wrapper topped with beautiful stalactites.In the center of the mihrab was qibla iwan of colored marble and wooden platform next to flour made from the tooth taken Hacoath crushed Balooimh interspersed with small inlaid Balzrnchan fillings. The mosque floor, furnished with marble and exquisite stained Ptqasim bishop divided into Mrbuaat and drummer carved and gilded and the bottom, written in gold wrapper Borcanh stalactites.The amount on the bench in the back of the wooden Kapolin iwan-west and in the face of the mihrab Ghury written the name and titles and prayers to him, and the deck railing is divided down to some restaurant tooth fillings, ebony and some accurate maps.Dome: Located in the point of the dome in the face of the point of the mosque and the entrance Bzacharvh and Mqrnsath and Tlapith marble similar to the entrance of the mosque, and that the two rows of windows in Juxtapose bottom of Mattabp Bmzrrat of white marble and black and the upper to the body windows Guendlip - any two windows Macoden laptops on the three pillars of marble topped with spun round - and end destination balcony with leafy sugar-faceted motifs carved in stone and highlights from this destination therewith Navy for has three large holes Mattabp the windows of Almsavat rail and ground of the most beautiful marble floors and accurate and topped with an open book of every aspect of the three contracts laptops on a column in the center, covered by the flap of wood on a portable wooden brackets.This and come to the entrance a few steps which lead to the lobby ceiling square engraved and colored marble floor of the mosque and Knzirtha on her right hand door leads to the dome, which was left with only the walls of the bus Mrbaha decoration and inscriptions carved in stone, stalactites and pillars of multi-Alahtat.The dome itself Evger are demolished as in the days of Ghury twice to malfunctions and rebuilt and then demolished again, and built of wood about the year 1881 to be demolished and replaced by wooden roof that now exists. The floor of polychrome marble and surrounded the four walls and marble overalls which mediates the eastern niche similar to the mihrab of the mosque.And to the left of the hallway, another door leads to a spacious hall of the temple of the colored marbles, a chapel and has a modern roof of carved wood decorated with beautiful colored and gilded.f